Thursday, January 5, 2012

We meet again

Hoho, anozerr poest on ze blog eh? Ha I got nothing Children, thanks for reading.

But because I want you guys to read this so one day I can become famous and make $10000 a month with my blog posts alone, I will continue to scribble some words down. Well, not really scribble, but the computer equivalent. for the rest of this post I will not use the backspace kkey. Goddamnit.

I have a long night ahead of me, smashing the other half tof the Kite Runner, I read the first half last night, and I will finish the other half tonight. I am currently listening to Take Care, by Drake (listen to the song with Rihannea, I hate her, but love that song.) (I also didn;t mean to misspell Rihanna, this no delete thing is going to piss me off.) I am Joingin, jesus christ fuck this.

I couldn't do it anymore, that's is far as I got before having to use the Backspace key, It drove me crazy looking at that last paragraph, you try sometime. I guess I am human enough to make mistakes.. Durrr. As I was saying, I am joining the Army sometime this next week. Since I failed a class and got dropped from Financial Aid. Don't worry, I am not joining this spontaneously. I have thought about the military for a few years now. and really the only thing holding me back now is these precious blog posts to my favorite fan (notice the word was singular.) I will have to write Four months of blog posts in advance and have my kid sister post them. But she'll probably call me a poop head and make stuff up about me.

As I said before, I am in a current search for education, challenges, and purpose. I feel like nobody cares about me here anyways, might as well get yelled at by a Drill Instructor. Just remember, you can't hate something unless you have once loved it, so when they yell at me, it means deep down they really do care. I would attempt to go Airborne. But I'll get through basic first.

I feel like this blog is a long Twitter post. Jesus. Also, if you hit next blog, the next three are all super Muslim bloggers. Makes me feel typecasted. Call me Raheem Abdul Jabar Mohammed I guess. Screw this I am going to bed.

Fuck Twitter.

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