Sunday, January 1, 2012


Alright Children,

    I really don't have anything of interest to talk about, at all. I am just going to spend the next 12 hours trying to figure out how to put a website up, which should be ridiculously easy but I am uneducated in the ways of HTML and really, anything technical. It's sad that I would give someone an advantage over me by knowing even just one little ounce of information about programming. I plan on a caffeine fueled night heavily invested in this website
    I hate pride, it's perhaps the worse thing next to papercuts and bumblebees. I attempted to show my family my new found skills of doing a backflip, and failed miserably. I'll put the video up on youtube as soon as I am ready for the public humiliation. It's incredible how quickly it doesn't work, even after doing about 50 of them yesterday. I am sore in muscles I never knew I had, and should probably wait a little longer before I decide to impress some bitches. I landed on my head slightly but it didn't hurt too bad, just felt really, really tired afterwards (Yes I know go to the hospital and get checked for concussions. But I'm too broke financially to be broke physically.)  But at least after a few more sessions and I get that down effortlessly the next step will be wall flips. I'll let you know how it goes after I recover from my coma.
    I'm stupid, I take unnecessary risks frequently. I have large lapses in judgement, and I had a dream that I won't live past 20 (the Ouija Board said I'll get stabbed at 21, and I'm not sure which is a more credible source.) I really don't mind, so long as if I die, I just die. If I did something stupid and paralyzed or lost an appendage the pride I spoke of earlier would hurt me more than my injuries. I have my memories, and when I finally find out I can break, perhaps it will humble my dumb ass into a responsible existence. Perhaps, but probably not.

Be afraid, since I am the next generation.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dear Darlings,

     I apologize for keeping all of my faithful readers without content all day. I must inform you that most of my posting will be done around 4-8pm. My schedule is a bit out of sync with societies and that is generally when I am most active during the day. So, I'm sorry to keep all of you waiting to hear what I have to say on my precious blog.
    Someone please tell me, is that lack of snow that makes it feel like everything is out of whack? Christmas just felt like a Sunday, and tonight simply feels like just another day (With booze!) What really amuses me is all of the go-getters and their god damn resolutions. So finally, after 364 days of living a miserable existence, you decide that enough is enough, and you're going to make a difference this next year.


    Complete, and utter bullshit. Stop lying to yourself. You are a failure, and you will not succeed in your resolutions. In fact, you will fail so miserably that you will shrug it off and go "Meh, there is always next year." no there isn't you stupid head! You are setting yourself up for failure. Mastercard, Marlboro, and Jack Daniels are not worried about you breaking free from their grasp over your weak mind. Your local gym will survive another year thanks to your "lose weight" resolution. You are simply following a fad, and like all fads, it will go away fairly quickly, and Captain Hindsight will make you play the shoulda-coulda-woulda game and make you hate yourself slightly more than you already do.
    I know what you are saying, I can hear your voices of logic going "Well Raheem, wut wuld u sugezt if u gawt it awl figgerd out?" I wish I could tell you the secrets to accomplishing life long goals. But the truth is, I am only 19, and I don't know jack shit. However I will give three suggestions that work for me.

First things first- Sit in a quiet room for no less than one hour.

   We live in a society where your mind is constantly stimulated. From the second your alarm goes off until the time your ipod's battery dies, your mind is constantly bombarded with complete and utter bullshit. I'm not saying you need to meditate or do any breathing exercises. I'm not telling you to close your eyes and think happy thoughts. I am saying, lock yourself in a box, and just sit there.  If you can't even do that, then I have just found your New Years Resolution. Trust me, your mind will still come up with the utter bullshit constantly, but it will be your bullshit, not some other stimuli. And you want to know what? After about 10 minutes, something magical will happen... it will start to think! When your brain is ready, think about what you want to fix and/or change about yourself. Trust me, everyone hates themselves (except Brad Pitt.) and you will come up with plenty of things that you want to change. here is the most important step of part one.

  Yes, just one. I know how stupid you humans are. You want "My top 10 resolutions of 2012" no, you don't get ten resolutions, those are reserved for Baby Jesus and Joe Pesci. You are a small and weakminded individual, and even this one goal might be too hard for you to handle. So as the saying goes, "Keep it simple, stupid."
   So you finally have your goal figured out? Make sure it is incredible specific that is not time based. This is a lifestyle change, not something that you get a ribbon for when you've finished. It must be something tangible. The goal "I want to be a better person" is not a goal you fucking prick. It needs to be a concrete thing that can be completed. Do you think you got it?  No you don't, go back and think about it again. Think. THINK. Think about it until the point you are going to change your mind because you are so sick of thinking about thinking. You have your goal so thoroughly ingrained after the monster think session that you may as well tattoo it on your forehead. which brings me too my second step.


 Quickly, before you stop thinking after investing so much time, grab a sharpie. Now, with your new found weapon, Go into a bathroom, or anywhere with a mirror. Look at your ugly ass self. This is the (Only) time I give you permission to look crazy and speak with yourself. Say your goal aloud. Then say it again, slightly louder. Then again, and again, and again, until the words start sounding fuzzy and you really don't even understand what you're really saying. Here come's the fun part: argue with yourself. Be the bad guy, and put yourself down. Be mean, don't just yell at the mirror, scream. Because the truth with set you free. For a generic example:

"I am going to lose 200lbs this year."
"No you're not. You said that last year."
"I know, but my mother died, and I got depressed, this year I really mean it."
"Say that too me when you're eating your fifth slice of chocolate layer cake, fatty."
"Oh, getting a bit hostile there chubby? what are you gonna do about it?"

   Are you angry? Good. While the hatred still flows through your veins. Take your sharpie and write your goal on the mirror. Now, go to your bedroom door, and write it on there. Go to your kitchen fridge, write it there. Go into your car, write it on the dashboard. Write it on your desk, put it as your background on your laptop/phone/life. Write it on your forehead (backwards!) Write the goal everywhere. The reason being is simple, your will power sucks, I bet you won't make it a week with your goal before some stupid little reason stops you from going to the gym (I stubbed my toe and couldn't make it in today) or picking up your favorite vice again (My girlfriend cheated on me, so I bought a pack. That's worth it, right guys? Guys?)
    Let's say your name is John. After this goal has been set, you are not longer John, you have lost the right to be called by your given name. Your name has been changed to Failure, Mr. Failure if you're feeling extra special. There is no time period (I will lose x weight by one month and I have met my goal.)It doesn't work that way. you persevere until your lifestyle has changed until losing weight doesn't matter. It is just a pleasant side effect of getting shit that needs to be done, done.You get to be called John after that glorious day you achieve your rebirth. People may still call you John, but that is simply because they do not know your new found struggle. You are missing a vital piece to your existence, and you will not cease until it has been completed and made whole. It won't be over next year, next week, or by a certain date. It will be done when it gets done, and it will be permanent.


    Take your self help books, internet tips (including this blog), your friends, your wife, your mom, your grandmother, and your god, and throw them all out of the window. You are alone. You have nobody. Nobody gives one shit about you, and nobody will ever help you complete your goal. No one. Do you hear me? This goal is so important to you, that other peoples "help" will slow you down. I mean that if every single person on this earth died instantly besides your sorry ass, you would rub one out, and carry on with your goal. This goal is now your life. That voice in your head is the one that will motivate you. You do not need your life coach, your best friend, or your dog to help you get through all the tough times, you only need your will power and some god damn balls (figurative or literal depending on your gender at the time of reading this.) And to clarify my point, before all 3 of my faithful readers get pissy at this last step. There is a big difference between using a tool, and needing a crutch. Going to the gym and getting better work out tips from a trainer is a tool to help you succeed in your goal. Getting a shitty workout because the trainer wasn't there to motivate you is a god-damn crutch. You are relying on another object or being to "Help" you succeed. Enjoy your new found title, you fucking failure.

I'm going to finish talking about this now, because I am going to consume alcohol and make out with some random broad very shortly. Just keep in mind a few simple things. Do not say "I'm going to quit smoking." say "I quit smoking." the minute you decided to put the pack down was the last cigarette you ever decided to inhale.If you can't handle the sweaty nights as your body craves nicotine, then don't make it your fucking goal. I'm rooting for you to fail, along with the rest of the world.

Prove us wrong.

  Do not brag about your goal (122 days without a drink!) Nobody gives a fuck. And it makes you weak in the sense that you need peoples opinions and encouragement to accomplish your life goals. When you have completed your goal, the effects will be subtle. But you WILL know you succeeded. Do not throw a party to celebrate. The satisfaction of setting something up and beating it into the ground until it is a bloody pulp, is better than any drug, However, do celebrate frequently, just keep it away from your goal. Drink to the weather, drink to your health, drink for any reason at all, unless your goal is to never drink again.

I don't believe in stupid ass resolutions. So don't ask me what I plan to do with changing myself. Cheers to the New Year-


 Tl;dr- This year you will get an attention span and will be able to read something longer than 140 characters, you insolent prick.

Friday, December 30, 2011

It's Bloggin Time!

Oh hey, what's up?

    Hey world, how you doin? I know that this message will cross very few eyeballs, but I've decided to start "blogging". I'm not the first person by any means to make one, and I'm sure I won't be the last (I don't even read many blogs, so why would anyone read mine!?)
     Now I'm not sure if the point of my blog is for me to tell a story to the audience, or to simply write down thoughts and other random things that may float around in that good ol' grey matter of mine. So I will probably just do both and figure it out as I go along. Now I must apologize in advance, I'm pretty sure I will not take the time to edit most of my posts. So forgive my grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and general crap.
     So why are you wasting the time reading my posts? What can I possibly bring to the table that is even worth you taking the effort scanning this very sentence?


     That's all I can really promise you. I can assure that I will write every time I am at the computer, so expect updates daily. But besides that, I cannot guarantee anything I post will be worth the ink it was written with.
     I am not here to play nice,  nor I will not hold back my opinion on any matter. I don't feel strongly on too many issues but when I do decide to fight for something or project and idea it would take quite a bit for me to change my mind. Maybe in the future people can be on "Raheem's" side, against whoever has beef with me. Haha, I'm not looking for idiotic drama, but I do enjoy controversy and train wrecks.
     My goals in life are simple. Physically I wish to do a backflip, sky dive, and see the world and all of its people. I also aspire to write a novel (Who hasn't?), create one sculpture , and become a model (please don't judge me.) If you are available to help me with any of those things, or feel like chatting for a bit, feel free to comment or contact me any time.
